Pro Tools All-in-One For Dummies
A professional musician guides serious hobbyists through ProTool Pro Tools puts professional recording and music productionsoftware in the hands of anyone with the appropriate hardware andthe knowledge to use it. Musician and recording engineer JeffStrong guides you through the latest version of this complexprogram, offering twice the content of the official guide at alower price. Eight minibooks cover recording basics, gettingstarted with Pro Tools, recording audio, editing audio, managingMIDI, mixing, mastering, and getting your music to the masses. * The latest version of Pro Tools offers a whole range of newpossibilities for the recording artist; this soup-to-nuts guideexplains everything you need to know to take full advantage ofit * Written by a professional musician and recording engineer whohas authored two previous editions of this book as well as HomeRecording For Musicians For Dummies and Drums For Dummies * Eight minibooks cover recording basics, getting started withPro Tools, recording audio, editing audio, managing MIDI, mixing,mastering, and distributing your music * Explains how to configure your computer and attach hardware,proper microphone settings, steps for getting your music to soundthe way you want, tips on putting your tracks togetherprofessionally, and much more If making music is your passion, Pro Tools All-in-One ForDummies, 3rd Edition is exactly what you need to start sharingyour sounds with the world.
112.99 PLN