12 Masterpieces of the Renaissance

12 Masterpieces of the Renaissance


The Renaissance Era was a period of huge cultural advancements. It began in Italy and spread throughout the length and breadth of Europe. The Renaissance had lasting effects on art, literature and sciences. Here are 12 notable works of fiction from this era.Italy:The Divine Comedy by DanteSonnets by PetrarchThe Decameron by Giovanni BoccaccioGreat Britain:Hamlet by William ShakespeareMacbeth by William ShakespeareUtopia by Thomas MoreThe Unfortunate Traveller, or The Life Of Jack Wilton by Thomas NasheFrance:Gargantua and Pantagruel by François RabelaisGermany:The Ship of Fools by Sebastian BrantSpain:Don Quixote by Miguel de CervantesPortugal:The Lusiad by CamõesNetherlands:In Praise of Folly by Desiderius ErasmusContents:1. Dante Alighieri : The Divine Comedy2. Francesco Petrarca : Sonnets 3. Giovanni Boccaccio : The Decameron 4. William Shakespeare : Hamlet 5. William Shakespeare : Macbeth6. Thomas More : Utopia7. Thomas Nashe : The Unfortunate Traveller, or The Life Of Jack Wilton8. Francois Rabelais : Gargantua and His Son Pantagruel9. Sebastian Brant : The Ship of Fools10. Miguel de Cervantes : Don Quixote11. Luis de Camões : The Lusiad12. Desiderius Erasmus : In Praise of Folly

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