Transparenz und Durchlässigkeit durch den EQR?
The introduction of the Europäischer Qualifikationsrahmen (EQR, European Qualification framework) is one of the currently most important political reform projects within professional education. The authors provide an overview of the current state of implementation and discuss realisation scenarios. The discussion aspects are related to professional educational sciences and policies and the publication presents potential influences of the EQR processes on the education system, sectors, companies and individuals. The anthology documents a workshop from the Hochschultage Berufliche Bildung (University open days professional education) 2011. Amongst others, the essays present the results of the test phase of the German qualification framework from three selected professions. Thereby, the results of the tentative allocation in the professions trade, IT and metal/electrics are discussed. In particular, the central topics are questions relating to how levels were evaluated, the importance of orientation towards the achieved learning as well as the comparability of results to date. The final glance over to further European processes, which should increase the permeability and transparency (acknowledgement of informal learning, continuity after University education, ECVET) in professional education concludes the publication.
142.55 PLN