The desirable future of Humanity AFRICA
This book explains, step by step and in simple words, a concept as difficult as the global social governance of the world and of Africa. Solutions to the challenges of sustainable development in Africa, such as the desalination of seawater to obtain fresh water in abundance for all countries; urban waste treatment, health, energy, forest conservation, agroecology; extraction, refining and transportation of ores, oil, gas; the civil air transport or the space industry. In this essay, the author proposes many solutions to the sustainable development in Africa, like the desalination of seawater or the urban waste treatment. EXTRACT “If you don’t have a strategy, you are part of someone else’s strategy.” We propose a ranking, a list of priorities for optimum results with a domino effect, because time and favorable circumstances are also to be apprehended. The construction of the barrage (on the Nile) by Ethiopia (economic necessity) will seriously reduce the quantities (flows) of the water on which all of Egypt depends. The freshwater project for all Africa can provide a sustainable solution and prevent us from having a water war between countries. We are declining, for Africa, the offer to acquire nuclear power plants for electricity production because of the danger that it represents, the high implementation cost, the obligation of a social organization of labor and the level of awareness (individual and collective) that our countries have not yet reached. The basic need of Africa is the production of the freshwater, by desalination of seawater, and the transport of that water to the arid lands of the interior of continent. The presence of water on those areas makes it possible to plant large quantities of fruit trees and vegetables to ward off famine and food dependence to imports. Africa’s energy potential allows for the production of clean, abundant, renewable and cheap electricity. The permanent availability of electricity will open the possibility of REFINE locally on the continent, all minerals, including and in particular crude oil, to obtain the lowest cost of chemical derivatives and petroleum products, such as JET A1 which conditions air fares Immediately and without delay, Africa will take the shortcut to the use of electric cars and trains, new information and communication technology. In GOD we stand – In GOD, we remain ! This will be the motto of the continent, where men, thanks to planetary citizenship, induced by the globalized ecology of the FREE SEATING – FREE MOVING – free TRADING will become earthlings, simply, living together (notwithstanding the variation in melanin pigmentation rate) in the cradle and the desirable future of Humanity : ‘Africa’. ABOUT THE AUTOR Emmanuel Ngombet is a Civil Aviation Engineer, CNS Inspector, a former ASECNA, CEO of the prospective engineering studies office, co founder and President of NAICCE - New Anticipations and Initiatives CLUB CONTINENT EMERGENT, he resides in Brazzaville (Republic of Congo).
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