Selbstbestimmtes Lernen im Promotionsprozess

Selbstbestimmtes Lernen im Promotionsprozess


As a consequence of the Bologna reform, training received a more structural character for doctoral students. The thesis is focussed on the implications of the new system on self-determined learning during the doctoral phase. Structured interviews with ten doctoral students in the field of educational sciences constitute the research basis. The candidates were questioned during different stages of their doctoral thesis. The statements of the students are complemented by a group discussion with independent supervisors. The author uses the gathered data to create a three-stage model that explains how the learning and acting of the doctoral students changed over the course of their doctoral thesis. Not all processes can be regulated by means of supervision agreements and tighter structures. In fact, uncertainties and liberties are part of the process. The volume provides new momentum for the design of doctoral programs and supervision offers for doctoral students.

188.20 PLN

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