Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 58

Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, Volume 58


This series provides inorganic chemists and materials scientistswith a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances inevery area of the discipline. Volume 58 continues to report recentadvances with a significant, up-to-date selection of contributionsby internationally-recognized researchers. The chapters of this volume are devoted to the followingtopics: * Tris(dithiolene) Chemistry: A Golden Jubilee * How to find an HNO needle in a (bio)-chemicalHaystack * Photoactive Metal Nitrosyl and Carbonyl Complexes Derivedfrom Designed Auxiliary Ligands: An Emerging Class ofPhotochemotherapeutics * Metal--Metal Bond-Containing Complexes as Catalysts forC--H Functionalization Iron Catalysis in Synthetic Chemistry * Reactive Transition Metal Nitride Complexes Suitable for inorganic chemists and materials scientists inacademia, government, and industries including pharmaceutical, finechemical, biotech, and agricultural.

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