Mathematics for Informatics and Computer Science

Mathematics for Informatics and Computer Science


How many ways do exist to mix different ingredients, how manychances to win a gambling game, how many possible paths going fromone place to another in a network ? To this kind of questionsMathematics applied to computer gives a stimulating and exhaustiveanswer. This text, presented in three parts (Combinatorics,Probability, Graphs) addresses all those who wish to acquire basicor advanced knowledge in combinatorial theories. It is actuallyalso used as a textbook. Basic and advanced theoretical elements are presented throughsimple applications like the Sudoku game, search engine algorithmand other easy to grasp applications. Through the progression fromsimple to complex, the teacher acquires knowledge of the state ofthe art of combinatorial theory. The non conventional simultaneouspresentation of algorithms, programs and theory permits a powerful mixture of theory and practice. All in all, the originality of this approach gives a refreshingview on combinatorial theory.

599.99 PLN

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