Kipling - Collection
Kipling - Grand Collection: Novels: The Light That Failed Captain Courageous: A Story of the Grand Banks Kim The Naulahka: A Story of West and East Stalky and Co. Short Story Collections: The City of Dreadful Night Plain Tales from the Hills Soldier's Three (The Story of the Gadsbys) Soldier's Three - Part II The Phantom Rickshaw and Other Ghost Stories Under the Deodars Wee Willie Winkie Life's Handicap Many Inventions The Jungle Book The Second Jungle Book The Day's Work Just So Stories Traffics and Discoveries Puck of Pook s Hill Actions and Reactions Abaft the Funnel Rewards and Fairies The Eyes of Asia A Diversity of Creatures Poetry Collections: Departmental Ditties Ballads and Barrack-Room Ballads The Seven Seas An Almanac of Twelve Sports The Five Nations Songs from Books The Years Between How Shakespeare Came to Write the Tempest Military Collections: A Fleet in Being France at War The New Army in Training Sea Warfare The War in the Mountains The Graves of the Fallen Travel Collections American Notes From Sea to Sea Letters of Travel: 1892-1913
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