Dixie of Dalesville - First
Knowing how to surround yourself well, accepting to share our difficulties can be solutions to many problems. Such is the lesson of this tale. The young dog Dixie has experienced all these emotions. The love of Charlie and the friendship of the animal friends from the forest, of whom Fred the groundhog and grandmother Binn the crow, guided her steps after many adventures and doubts, toward a new life where there is room for happiness. All of this shows that ordeals allow for reflection, for asking questions, for growing, and that friends are there to share difficult moments. A tale for children or for adults? And if it were addressed to all? For here is a tale that arouses, regardless of age, reflection and exchange. It is specifically addressed to people who: - Feel different from others - Search for their own happiness - Are confronted with difficult choices - Have trouble forgiving - Experience great anxiety when confronted with change in life - Experience a period of mourning or a demanding sickness - Believe in the strength of friendship - Like the companionship of animals. The young dog Dixie has experienced all these emotions. The love of Charlie and the friendship of the animal friends from the forest, of whom Fred the groundhog and grandmother Binn the crow, guided her steps after many adventures and doubts, toward a new life where there is room for happiness. All of this shows that ordeals allow for reflection, for asking questions, for growing, and that friends are there to share difficult moment. Tale for more than 8 years old and adults! ABOUT THE AUTHOR Ginette Rochon had a long career as a pedagogue before embarking on writing by being in turn a teacher, educational adviser, school administrator and volunteer worker in Haiti. At the same time, the outdoors, travel, international cooperation and, of course, writing have always had a special place in his heart… and in his agenda! After 5 years as a journalist for outdoor magazines, she decided to dive into writing for publication. His specialty: to humanize animals by lending them words and thoughts to better make their two-legged friends think.
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