Differenzierte Studienformen

Differenzierte Studienformen


The classic "on campus" degree course is only one of many ways of studying. Expanding the range of course offerings from colleges and universities to include novel types of programmes can motivate new target groups to embark on a course of study and thus to counteract an imminent shortage of graduates in Germany. The authors define and analyse on-campus degree courses, both full- and part-time, distance learning and sandwich courses and explain the current situation at German colleges and universities. This is followed by a survey of different types of courses and their distribution in the USA, the United Kingdom, Australia, Singapore and Lithuania. To give a full picture, the results of internet-based and telephone interviews of students, teachers and company representatives are included, from which the authors derive an action model for alternative types of studying. The Authors Matthias Klumpp is professor of business administration at Fachhochschule für Oekonomie & Management (FOM) Essen and director of the Institute for Logistics and Service Management of the FOM. Irma Rybnikowa is a member of the scientific staff of the chair of organisation and work studies at the Technical University of Chemnitz.

125.32 PLN