Da'ath Magic for Beginners

Da'ath Magic for Beginners


Usually magic begins with simple telepathy experiments, the production of talismans, telekinesis experiments and the like. However, these beginnings, which mainly show that magic is possible, can be increased significantly - first by practice, then by recognizing one's own soul, and finally by one-pointedness, invocations, presence, and the like. Thus simple, ordinary magic can eventually be increased to extraordinary magic - to "miracles" such as firewalks, spontaneous healings, and materializations. For this, no craftsmanship, no special rituals or spells, no secret traditions and the like are necessary, but a certain consciousness, which in the Kabbalistic tradition is called "Da'ath". This is the state of letting go and of boundlessness. The way to it can be sudden - which can be felt as a jumping into a bottomless abyss. Or it can be approached gradually - in which case it can be one of the most pleasant states of all ... a smile like Buddha, a boundaryless consciousness like the gods have, a fully conscious collective subconsciousness ... just Da'ath ...

14.63 PLN

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