Butts tails and rumps
Mikołaj Golachowski - Butts, tails and rumps translated by Jarek Westermark narrated by Sean Palmer illustrations by Maria Mroux Bulikowska Discover the fascinated mysteries of animals’ butts! Is a hippopotamus hiding a helicopter on its rear side? Or a penguin – a cannon? Why is baboon’s ass red, and why does a tapeworm have no ass at all? Why do dogs keep sniffing one another, and why wouldn’t cats ever stop licking their fur? And why does the roe flash its white rump? This book contains thirty exciting and funny stories of butts, tails and rumps narrated by a science promoter and a biologist in one. Mikołaj Golachowski – PhD in Animal Ecology and Zoology, traveller, translator and polar explorer. When he’s not busy in the midst of Antarctic snow and ice, he lives in Warsaw and writes about animals and protecting the environment. Author of educational and popular science books. Maria Mroux Bulikowska – illustrator working with children’s and adult books and magazines. Author of two books on Warsaw dialect. Table of contents: 01 INTRODUCTION 02 THE BOMBARDIER BEETLE 03 THE HIPPO 04 THE HERRING 05 THE POLAR BEAR 06 THE PENGUIN 07 THE WOMBAT 08 THE DOG 09 THE CAT 10 THE PARAMECIUM 11 THE WEAVER 12 THE MAYFLY 13 THE DUCK 14 THE PEACOCK 15 THE ORCA 16 THE LIZARD 17 THE KANGAROO 18 THE WASP 19 THE SPIDER 20 THE SEAHORSE 21 THE FROG 22 THE ROE 23 THE LYNX 24 THE SCORPION 25 THE EARWIG 26 THE TAPEWORM 27 THE SNAKE 28 THE SKUNK 29 THE BABOON 30 THE SPIDER MONKEY 31 THE FIREFLY Mikołaj Golachowski - Butts, tails and rumps translated by Jarek Westermark narrated by Sean Palmer illustrations by Maria Mroux Bulikowska ISBN 978-83-67356-19-0 (audiobook) Wydawnictwo Babaryba www.babaryba.pl
34.90 PLN